XE.COM **Test Case** Matching the line chart and brush chart

Step 1: Inspect and Copy Chart Data

  1. Right-click on the first chart (e.g., the line chart) and select Inspect.
  2. Expand the HTML/SVG element for the chart to locate the SVG path element containing the X and Y coordinates.
  3. Copy the SVG data representing the coordinates.
  4. Repeat the above steps for the second chart (e.g., brush chart).

Step 2: Extract Raw Coordinates

  1. Open a Text Editor (e.g., Notepad).
  2. Paste the copied SVG data for both charts into the text editor.
  3. Use the Search (Ctrl+F) function to locate and replace any non-coordinate data.
    • Replace all unnecessary characters, so only the X and Y coordinates remain (separated by commas).
    • Example: M 10 20 L 30 40 should be transformed into just 10,20 and 30,40.

Please see attachment:

Step 3: Import Coordinates into Google Sheets/Excel

  1. Open Google Sheets or Excel.
  2. Copy the raw X and Y coordinates for each chart from the text editor.
  3. Paste the coordinates for the first chart into one sheet and the coordinates for the second chart into another sheet.
  4. Label the columns appropriately (X and Y).

Please see attachment:

Step 4: Create Scatter Charts

  1. In Google Sheets or Excel, highlight the X and Y data for the first chart and insert a Scatter Chart.
  2. Repeat this process for the second chart’s data to create another Scatter Chart.
  3. Ensure that both charts have the same axis ranges and formatting (if necessary, adjust the scales).

Step 5: Export Charts to PowerPoint

  1. Copy the first Scatter Chart from Google Sheets or Excel.
  2. Open PowerPoint and paste the chart onto a slide.
  3. Repeat the process for the second Scatter Chart.

Step 6: Overlay the Charts

  1. Select the second chart in PowerPoint and make it transparent (reduce the opacity) using the formatting options.
  2. Position the transparent chart directly over the first chart.
  3. Use the arrow keys to adjust the positioning so that both charts are aligned perfectly.\

Please see attachment below: